Job Connections at one time was a fine group. Now it is a standard good old boy's and girl's network. Most people I spoke to did not feel welcomed to the Saturday meeting. Most of the "staff" just say mix and mingle.There are no intros made, you are on your own. The speaker's are more interested in hawking their books and services.They have success teams which support small groups 4-10 people to focus on job searching. However there seems to be two types.If you are on a success team you will find yourself with winners and may find it helpful.If you end up with a suckcess team you will encounter whiners who will go over all their personal woes and take up a lot of time. You can find groups that are better off in libraries and other churches.
Black Friday is the name given to the day following Thanksgiving, which is traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, most major retailers open extremely early, often at 4 am, or midnight or nowadays on Thanksgiving night. To work that turkey off they have promotional sales to kick off the holiday shopping season. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but judging from commute time and crowds in stores you might think so. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005 although news reports, which at that time were inaccurate, have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much longer period of time. The news media has long described the day after Thanksgiving as the busiest shopping day of the year. In earlier years, this was not actually the case. According to wikipedia in the period from 1993 through 2001, for example, Black Friday ranked from fifth to tenth on the list of busiest shopping days, with the last...